It is the single most powerful means of finding useful information of interest, and thus improving the ability of industry to create and control new taxonomies continues to be a priority. 既然查找感兴趣的有用信息功能最为强大的方法只有这一种,那么提高业界创建和控制新的分类法的能力将继续占有较高的优先级。
This article presents a single concrete Web page which will interest both Web developers and their managers. 本文给出一个具体的Web页面,Web开发人员及其管理者都将会对它感兴趣。
Cyclic topological polymers including single and multiple cyclic polymers have gained growing interest due to their unique properties unlike branched and linear topological polymers. 环状聚合物包括单环和多环聚合物,是一类具有特殊拓扑结构的聚合物,具有不同于支化聚合物的特殊性质,引起了人们广泛的关注。
Traditional Middle School Moral outdated teaching methods, forms a single, unable to stimulate students interest in learning. 传统的中学思想品德课教学方法陈旧,形式单一,无法激发学生的学习兴趣。
The most persistent argument against pricking bubbles is that monetary policy cannot target consumer and asset prices with a single instrument the short-term interest rate. 反对戳破泡沫最常见的一条理由是,货币政策无法通过单一工具,即短期利率,来同时瞄准消费者价格和资产价格。
It may have been this experience which fuelled her interest in working with charities helping single mothers, an interest shared with Harry Potter author JK Rowling, who is a friend. 可能是这种经历让莎拉十分热衷于与慈善团体合作帮助单亲妈妈,她的朋友、《哈利·波特》的作者JK·罗琳也是这方面的热衷者。
The euro zone has a single monetary policy, with interest rates for the entire bloc decided by the European Central Bank. 欧元区采用单一的货币政策,其整个区域的利率由欧洲央行决定。
Sequencing-by-synthesis methods simulate parts of this process on a single DNA strand of interest. 合成定序法模拟细胞的复制步骤,分析单股DNA的序列。
Dynamic resolution technology is one of the main approaches to obtain the single chiral compounds and has attracted much research interest. 动态拆分技术是获得单一手性化合物的一种主要途径,近几年得到了较为深入的研究。
Single sector funds provide an interest in many different investments within one asset class. 单股基金提供资产类别内,在许多不同的投资兴趣。
Our civil procedure system, as the produce of the planned economy system era, has inevitably been marked by the era whose characters of society are single interest and dependent main body. 我国民事诉讼体制作为一个当时计划经济体制时代的产物,必然打下彼时代的痕迹,彼时代的社会特征是利益的非多元性、主体的非独立性。
Common framework of single factor interest rate models with diffusion process 扩散过程下单因素利率模型的统一框架
GMM Estimation for Single factor Term Structure of Interest Rate Models and the Empirical Test of Chinese Money Market 单因子利率期限结构模型的广义矩估计及对中国货币市场的实证检验
The options for selecting the second input include the derivative of the directional distance, a single state variable of special interest to the designer, or the weighted summation of any of the state variables 'combinations. 第二个输入变量的选择可根据应用而定,例如方向距离的导数、控制设计者所感兴趣的特定变量,或者某些状态变量的加权之和。
A hierarchical user interest model is a tree whose nodes are the single interest vectors. 一个层次结构用户兴趣模型是一个以单个兴趣向量为节点的树。
To compare with the traditional actuarial method in condition of single annual interest rate, the method is much more universal, rational and also accords with the actual conditions. 与传统的单一年预定利率下的精算方法相比较,该方法更为普遍合理、更加符合实际情况。
The monetary policy in Western countries has experienced several patterns: one of loan, interest rate or money supply to serve as single intermediate target. Many countries selects interest rates as main adjusting target, with others serving as information variables. 西方国家的货币政策中介目标经历了从贷款量、利率到货币供应量再到目前以利率为主要调节目标,多信息变量并重的格局。
The first one assumes a single interest rate at every possible scenario. It is simple to calculate, and we can receive sensitivity analysis results when we need. 对利率进行情景模拟和分析主要有两种形式:一种是在每种可能情景下采用单一确定利率,这种方法比较简单易算,能够获得利率整体变化条件下准备金提留额度变化的灵敏度;
Equity financing accords mangers interests better, but it may have different conclusions if considering single interest index. 股权融资在整体上更符合经营者个人的利益,但如果仅考虑单个的利益指标,可能会得到不同的结论。
To single bond, without considering the influence of market interest rate, the investment adventure relates to the target income rate. 对单一证券来说,在不考虑市场利率因素影响的情况下,其投资风险和投资者的目标收益率有关。
We apply two kinds of feature vectors to represent user's interest and extend single user profile based on group interest. 运用两种不同的特征向量来表示用户兴趣,并且通过聚类生成群体兴趣扩展了个体兴趣。
This paper introduces them from the perspectives of the starting point of ethical research, the grounds for the formation and development of ethics, single individual interest, special class interest and universal social public interest, criticism of utilitarianism and hedonism philosophy. 从伦理学研究的出发点、道德产生和发展的根据、单个的个人利益和特殊的阶级利益与普遍的社会公共利益、批判功利论与享乐哲学等方面进行了介绍。
Therefore, Enterprise Value Appraisal ( EVA) is the behavior or process of judgment and assessment to the value of both a enterprise and a single interest. 企业价值评估就是对企业和企业某种权益的价值进行判断和评估的行为或过程。
At present our country Courier enterprise show: the competition ability is bad, market disorder, management experience lack, single business model, the characteristics of low interest. 目前我国快递企业呈现:数量多,竞争力差,市场无序,管理经验缺乏,商业模式单一,利润低的特点。
Traditional life insurance using single factor interest rate models not only considers change of interest rate, but also its price lower obviously. 单因子利率模型下的传统寿险产品不仅考虑到了利率的变动,而且价格有明显的降低。
Integrating the improved image encoding scheme and single target interest region selection algorithm will contribute to better balance performance requirements of energy consumption, compression rate and image quality in wireless multimedia sensor networks. 把本文改进的图像编码方法与单目标兴趣区域选择算法结合应用,将有助于无线多媒体传感器网络更好地兼顾能量消耗、压缩率和图像质量等性能需求。
Firstly, the article use the general method of moments to estimate parameters in single factor interest rate models. After testing, we assess which one matches the market interest rate volatility best. 首先,文章中使用广义矩方法(GMM)估计单因子利率模型的参数,通过一些检验值判断最符合市场利率波动的单因子利率模型。
Interest rate risk in commercial banks can be divided into single interest rate risk and integrated interest rate risk on operation. Accordingly, interest rate risk measurements also include two layers as single interest rate risk measurement and integrated interest rate risk measurement. 从操作上讲,商业银行利率风险可以分为单一利率风险和综合利率风险;相应地,商业银行利率风险计量也包括单一利率风险计量和综合利率风险计量两个层次。
In the last three decades, few single biological objects have attracted as much general interest as the purple protein, BR. 在过去的三十年里面,很少有单个的生物体能够像BR膜蛋白这样引起人们如此广泛的兴趣。
Linyi City Middle School track and field course content is not fully recognized by the physical education teachers. The choice of teaching content are lack of novelty, teaching methods are single andstudents 'interest in learning is not very high. 临沂市中学田径类课程的教学内容没有完全得到体育老师的认可,在教学内容的选择上缺乏新颖性,教学手段单一,学生学习的兴趣不高。